
June C. Scofield, DC Barefoot Wellness Clinic

The Specialty of Chiropractic

Chiropractors are trained in detecting and eliminating interference in the nervous system by using natural means to help the body restore normal function. The misalignments, called subluxations, can be caused by traumas such as falls, jerks, jolts, heavy lifting, unexpected reactions, repetitive movements, auto accidents, emotional traumas, stress, chemical imbalances or deficiencies. The joints are held in position by ligaments with movement supplied by muscles that are attached to the bones by tendons. Balancing out these soft tissue components will allow for a more gentle adjustment that will reduce muscle spasms and chronic tension. Dr. June is here to provide these services to help you achieve a healthier body and eliminate pain and stress.

What We Offer

  • Light force adjusting
  • COX - flexion-distraction decompression technique
  • Vertebral distraction pump (VDP)
  • Impulse Adjusting Instrument
  • Cranial therapy
  • Nutrition
  • Exercise
  • Wellness programs
  • Erchonia Cold Level Laser Technique
  • Ashiatsu - Deep Tissue Therapy Using the Feet
June C. Scofield, DC Barefoot Wellness Clinic
June C. Scofield, DC Barefoot Wellness Clinic

Ashiatsu Oriental Bar Therapy

Gentle chiropractic techniques, with deep soft tissue therapy, relax the muscles, tendons, and ligaments. The muscles move the bones; thus, using Ashiatsu can release chronic tension more gently.

Chronic pain and muscle spasms can be released very effectively and without pain using Ashiatsu “Deep Feet” oriental bar therapy. More pressure can be utilized by using the lower extremities rather than just upper body strength

Cox Flexion-Distraction

Cox flexion-distraction is specific for spinal disc problems as it increases disc height. Disc problems causing neck or low back pain can radiate into the shoulder, arm, hand, and fingers; or down the leg into the foot. This technique is a gentle, non-force procedure with Dr. Scofield in control at all times. She adjusts using her hands and the table to achieve the correct amount of flexion & distraction.

The person is NOT left unattended on the table.

Erchonia Low-Level Cold Laser Technique

Erchonia lasers emit visible coherent light that is directed onto the affected area. Bundles of light energy are passed through the dermal (skin) layers and received within the cell membrane by specific energy photo receptors. Within the injured musculoskeletal tissue, low-level laser light initiates increased circulation and enhances tissue regeneration. The overall effects are decreased pain and inflammation and an increase in the range of motion.